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Manuscript Preparation Guideline





Central Texas Studies: Journal of the Central Texas Historical Association includes articles on the history and culture of the Central Texas region.  The journal is an annual publication and includes between two and four scholarly articles.  Illustrations may be included with the articles but are not required.  Normally, the editor prefers articles that do not exceed twenty-five manuscript pages in length, including endnotes. 


All submissions should adhere to the newest edition of the Chicago Manual of Style (or Turabian's A Manual for Writers).  Text and endnotes should be typed, double-spaced.  Initial submission should be an electronic copy compatible with Microsoft Word and a hard copy printed on a letter quality printer.  Each submission is acknowledged upon receipt, evaluated through a double-blind peer reviewed process, and either accepted subject to author approval of editorial changes or copyedited and returned with suggestions for revision. 


When revisions are complete, please return the original copy, a revised hardcopy, and a revised electronic copy along with a decision on publishing.  Articles are published in the order of acceptance, except when length or special issues dictate otherwise. 


Authors receive digital-tear sheet copy of their of their article once it is printed in the journal.

Please submit article manuscripts (either by regular mail or electronically) to:

Kenneth Howell, Ph.D.

Managing Editor, Central Texas Studies: Journal of the Central Texas Historical Association


Central Texas Historical Association

P.O. Box 6627

Bryan, Texas 77805-6627






Each issue of Central Texas Studies: Journal of the Central Texas Historical Association includes as many book reviews as space permits.  Those interested in reviewing books for the journal should provide the managing editor with their name, address, telephone number, and email address.  Potential reviewers should also identify their fields of interest and expertise. 


When CTHA receives a book for review, the book review editor will contact prospective reviewers to see if they are interested in evaluating the book.  If a reviewer accepts the offer, the book, a detailed checklist, and a publishing agreement will be forwarded to them in the mail.  Reviews are usually due within two months of acceptance of assignment unless other arrangements are made with the Managing Editor. 


Submissions should contain a hard copy for editing and an electronic copy, either via email or on disk, in a format compatible with Microsoft Word.  An acknowledgment of our receipt of the review will be sent to the reviewer. 


Reviewers will receive a digital tear-sheet copy of their review once it is published in the journal.



For more information regarding book reviews and how to be added to our list of reviewers, please contact:


Kirk Bane, Ph.D.

Book Review Editor


Central Texas Historical Association

P.O. Box 6627

Bryan, Texas 77805




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