Central Texas Historical Association
Preserving the History of the Greater Central Texas Region

2016 Fall Symposium
October 22, 2016
Central Texas College
Killeen, Texas
"Frontier Violence, Depredations,
Outlaws, and Rangers"
To register for the 2016 symposium using a credit card, please add your choices to the shopping cart by clicking on the appropriate buttons below.
If you are mailing in your registration form with a check or money order, please use the mail-in registration form below.
Please note that lunch is not included in the cost of registration. If you plan to eat lunch, please register below.
Thank you for your interest in the 2016 Fall Symposium. We look forward to visiting with you in October at the event!
Early Registration Fees (ends October 7, 2016)
Regular Attendee - $40.00
Spouse of Paid Regular Attendee - $30.00
Student (Must have current/valid Student ID) - $10.00
Late Registration Fees (after October 7, 2016)
Regular Attendee - $50.00
Spouse of Paid Regular Attendee - $40.00
Student (Must have current/valid Student ID) - $15.00
**Cost of Lunch is $15.00/person**
(In order to make sure we have enough lunches order, please register for lunch by October 7)
(click here for mail-in form)
CTHA has a block of rooms reserved at the Best Western (approximate 7 to 10 minutes from campus) for Friday, October 21, 2016. The rates are $76.26 for a single & $81.35 for a double. If you make reservations at the Best Western please tell them you are with the Central Texas Historical Association in order to receive these rates.
Hotel Information
Best Western
321 Constitutional Drive
Copperas Cove, Texas 76522
(254) 518 - 3363

You can click on the buttons below for specific information, or click on the choices in the drop down menus.